
New job

Last week, I said goodbye to my job. I've worked at a local college for the last 2+ years. I walked onto campus, handed in my keys, and also showed off the baby a bit.

Yesterday, was my first day of my new job. It was a pretty good first day, though I don't think I was adequately trained and my new boss yells a lot. I'm learning that she's pretty impatient and gets frustrated easily if you take too long to get something done. The hardest part: she doesn't speak English.

And there's no HR department to complain to.

But she's got the cutest smile. And she's pretty fun to hang out with. Even though I'm pretty sure she got bored with me today.

We went for a drive and a little walk at the waterfront and she seemed to like that just fine.

She's a pretty demanding boss so far. But she's cute so I'll deal with it.

I'm pretty sure her cheeks get chubbier every time she eats.


  1. Actually Ms. Ellie is the best boss that you could ever have. The Almighty gave her to you so that both you and Brad could experience even more of His awesomeness!!;-)

  2. This photo of the littlest princess is adorable! She is so grown already.

  3. It sure involves a lot of on-the-job training, doesnt it?

  4. what a wonderful post! i thought for a moment what type of job is this then i realized it is the best type of job in the world a stay at home mom to raise your beautiful little girl and cherish each and every day with her


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