

Today is a grumpy day.  It's dark and rainy outside. And work is very slow. It's a stay in bed with your head under the covers kind of day.

The atmosphere at my job feels like a junior high school. I've been here nearly 8 months and can't seem to break into the "cool" crowd...or any crowd really.

My high-heeled boots make my legs look 100 miles long. Which you'd think would be a good thing, but actually it makes me look like I'm on stilts.  Not really the look I was going for when I got dressed this morning.

Brad is too busy to talk to me.

My hair looks dumb. (I am in the middle of growing it out, and it's at that stage where it doesn't want to cooperate.) I look a bit like a Raggedy Anne doll.  Mop head.

I can't wear the shoes I want for the wedding because they'll make me a million feet tall, and Brad's already a little shorter than me. Our closest friends and family don't need to see him give his wedding vows to my chest.  We'll save that for the honeymoon.

And last... I'm not at home.  The only place I really want to be today.


I really am a giant.  See.

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