
The Awesomest

While reading one of the 5 dozen (or so) blogs in my Google Reader this morning, I came across a post that introduced the most amazing website I have probably ever heard of.  It is genius (which I am not because I had to look-up how to spell the word, "genius"...oy). 

BookSwim is a website like Netflix, but for readers!  I just recently cancelled my Netflix membership, because I would order movies and then never watch them.  I'm just not much of a "watch movies at home"  kind of person.  But Books.  Books I can do.  I'm always looking for new books.

Anytime I want to get out of the office during work, I go to the bookstore.  And I usually spend money; which is bad. I can't just buy one book at a time.  I buy at least 2. Oftentimes upwards of 3.

BookSwim works the same way that Netflix does.  You can sign up to have a certain number of books at a time, (3 or more you get free shipping).  You have as long as you want to read them, and then send them back.  The best part; if you like a book, you have the option on the website to purchase it at a Discounted price!  You just keep it!!

There are lots of books I've been interested in reading.  And some are books I wouldn't buy because I'm embarrassed, honestly...(Lauren Conrad's novels?  yep.).

Brad and I were just talking the other day about how we'd like to spend lots of time at the beach this summer. The beach is only my absolute favorite place on earth. And I told him I'd start keeping an eye out for the good summer reads.  With BookSwim  I'll save TONS of money!  I'm signing up right now!

It'll also be good for my train commute.  I won't have to waste a ton of cash on books I buy based on what their covers look like.  Because I do judge a book by its cover.  I just do.

Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.com 

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